In today’s fast-paced society, finding time for rest can feel nearly impossible. With work deadlines, social obligations, and endless to-do lists, the idea of dedicating an entire day to relaxation might seem like a luxury. However, the practice of a modern Sabbath—an intentional day of rest—is becoming more relevant than ever.

This isn’t about adhering to a religious tradition (though it can be, for some). A modern Sabbath is about reclaiming time for yourself, slowing down, and prioritizing rest to restore your mental, emotional, and physical well-being. In this post, we’ll explore the concept of a modern Sabbath and offer practical ways to integrate a day of rest into your busy life.

Why We Need a Modern Sabbath

Combatting Burnout

Our non-stop culture can quickly lead to burnout. Constantly being “on” leaves little room for recovery, which impacts productivity, creativity, and well-being. A modern Sabbath gives your mind and body the time they need to recharge, allowing you to show up more focused and energized for the week ahead.

Improving Mental Health

Rest is essential for mental clarity and emotional regulation. Taking intentional breaks can reduce stress, anxiety, and overwhelm. A dedicated day of rest provides the space to reflect, practice mindfulness, and reconnect with what truly matters.

Strengthening Relationships

Time off from work and technology allows you to connect more deeply with family and friends. A modern Sabbath encourages intentional moments of connection—whether through shared meals, meaningful conversations, or quality time spent together.

How to Create a Modern Sabbath

Set Clear Boundaries

Decide when your Sabbath will begin and end. Whether it’s a full day or just part of the day, communicate your boundaries to yourself and others. Let your family, colleagues, or friends know that you won’t be available for work or other obligations during this time. This protects your day of rest from interruptions and keeps it sacred.

Unplug from Technology

A digital detox is one of the most powerful aspects of a modern Sabbath. Disconnecting from emails, social media, and notifications creates mental space and helps you be more present. Consider turning off your phone or setting it to “do not disturb” mode during your rest day.

Plan Activities That Nourish You

Your modern Sabbath should include activities that restore your energy and bring you joy. This could be:

  • Reading a book
  • Taking a walk in nature
  • Practicing meditation or yoga
  • Listening to music
  • Preparing a slow, nourishing meal

The key is to engage in activities that feel restorative and unpressured, rather than treating them as tasks to complete.

Incorporate Mindfulness

Use your Sabbath as an opportunity to slow down and cultivate mindfulness. Whether it’s savoring your morning coffee or taking a few minutes to breathe deeply, mindfulness helps you be present in the moment. Journaling, gratitude practices, or simply sitting in silence can also deepen your sense of rest and reflection.

Reconnect with Loved Ones

If your modern Sabbath includes others, focus on creating meaningful moments together. Share a meal, engage in meaningful conversations, or enjoy a hobby with family or friends. Prioritizing relationships helps strengthen connections and builds a sense of belonging and joy.

Rest Without Guilt

It’s easy to feel guilty for resting when the world seems to value productivity above all else. But rest is not a waste of time—it’s essential for your well-being and growth. Embrace your modern Sabbath guilt-free, knowing that it will help you return to your responsibilities refreshed and focused.

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What to Avoid on a Modern Sabbath

Work and Chores

Resist the urge to use your rest day to catch up on work or chores. This is your time to step away from productivity and focus on yourself. If possible, complete any essential tasks beforehand so they don’t intrude on your Sabbath.


The goal of a modern Sabbath is to slow down, so avoid filling your schedule with too many activities. Leave room for spontaneity and rest, rather than packing the day with events.

Screen Time

While it’s tempting to binge-watch TV or scroll through social media, try to minimize screen time. If you do use screens, choose content that feels nourishing—such as a calming movie, inspiring documentary, or relaxing playlist.

Making the Modern Sabbath a Habit

Starting a modern Sabbath practice can feel challenging, especially if you’re used to staying busy. Here are some tips for building the habit:

  • Start Small: If a full day feels overwhelming, begin with a few hours of rest and gradually extend it.
  • Make It Regular: Choose a day each week (or even a specific time frame) for your Sabbath, and try to stick to it consistently.
  • Reflect on the Benefits: After each Sabbath, take a moment to reflect on how you feel. Did the rest help you feel more energized or centered? Noticing the benefits will motivate you to maintain the habit.

Rest Is A Requirement

In a world that constantly demands our attention, the practice of a modern Sabbath offers a much-needed opportunity to slow down, rest, and recharge. Whether you spend the day reading, meditating, or connecting with loved ones, the key is to create intentional space for yourself—without guilt or pressure to be productive.

By integrating a day of rest into your routine, you can improve your well-being, strengthen your relationships, and approach life with greater clarity and purpose. Start small, stay consistent, and discover the power of a modern Sabbath in your busy world.

Further Reading

Ben Beresh is a creative entrepreneur and owner of MossyBrain. Originally from Niagara Falls, ON, he now happily calls Broken Arrow OK home, along with his wife Jessica, four amazing kids and dog Charlie. Ben likes to have a good time, all the time (Enneagram 7), playing guitar, the Wim Hof Method, forest bathing, as well as enjoying all types of sandwiches.

Connect with him on Facebook or

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