A weekly podcast where creativity meets fun.

Want to take your creativity to the next level?

Ben & Jessica Beresh of MossyBrain.com discuss and illustrate both practical and absurd creativity development tips and tricks so that you can always be the most creative thinker in the room.

Whether you’re already a creative of any discipline, an entrepreneur, an educator, a parent, a student or a common houseplant, The MossyBrain Show will help you begin to think differently, laugh out loud, and live your most creative life.


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The Magic of Reading: A Superpower Anyone Can Develop

The Magic of Reading: A Superpower Anyone Can Develop

In a world brimming with technology and fast-paced interactions, the simple act of reading can often be overlooked. Yet, reading is one of the most enriching activities we can engage in, offering a multitude of benefits for our minds, bodies, and spirits. At...

Here’s What You Need to Know About Forest Bathing

Here’s What You Need to Know About Forest Bathing

The practice of forest bathing, also known as Shinrin-yoku, is the act of immersing oneself in nature, specifically forests, for the purpose of promoting health and well-being. This practice has gained popularity in recent years, as people have recognized the numerous...

Finding Flow in Nature

Finding Flow in Nature

Flow is a state of consciousness where individuals become completely absorbed in what they are doing, lose track of time, and feel a deep sense of enjoyment and fulfillment. It is often described as being "in the zone" and is a state that many people strive to...

100 Creative Activities You Could Do Today

100 Creative Activities You Could Do Today

"Why do I need a list of 100 Creative Activities?" you might be asking yourself. Well, there are a million reasons we all come up everyday with not to do something. When it comes to intentionally choosing to create, many times we rationalize that it would be easier to...

TEDx Talk – 3 Tools To Become More Creative

TEDx Talk – 3 Tools To Become More Creative

At a TEDx event in Copenhagen, Balder Onarheim, PhD of the Copenhagen Institute of NeuroCreativity explains the importance for adults to re-learn creativity, and gives three tools to help us do so. “Creativity is not just about art – it is one of the most crucial...

The Importance of Flow

The Importance of Flow

If you’ve ever engaged in creative pursuits, you understand that sometimes you’re on, sometimes you’re off. For whatever reason, the Muse may grant favor one day and creativity feels effortless. The next day, she may give you the cold shoulder, and you’re just -...

Document Your Creative Journey

Document Your Creative Journey

As you intentionally make time and space for more creativity this year, be sure to document and record your adventures. We tend to view our endeavors through a lens of completion, or arriving at the destination, but creativity is a journey!  The journey is where the...

Surround Yourself With Creative People

Surround Yourself With Creative People

Support and inspiration are key to having your most creative year yet. Who is someone in your life that encourages and inspires your creativity? Who is someone who lives and breathes creativity? Who is a total weirdo in your life? Who loves and accepts you no matter...

The Enneagram and Creativity

The Enneagram and Creativity

We here at MossyBrain are big fans of the Enneagram. The Enneagram is a personality typing system, within a spiritual framework, made up of nine interrelated personality types. Your type is not who you are. It represents an adaptive strategy you developed to deal with...

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