“Why do I need a list of 100 Creative Activities?” you might be asking yourself. Well, there are a million reasons we all come up everyday with not to do something.
When it comes to intentionally choosing to create, many times we rationalize that it would be easier to disengage and maintain our current status quo than to put ourselves out there creatively.
There are many blocks and fears standing in the way of doing something creative. Some common excuses you might be familiar with:
I don’t have time to be creative…
I’m just not a creative person…
I’m not talented enough to be creative…
No one wants to see my creativity…
I’m not feeling creatively inspired right now…
I’d rather be watching Netflix…
I’m too tired to be creative…
Why bother- I’ll never share my creativity with anyone…
Someone in my past told me I wasn’t creative…
I’ll never be as creative or talented as _______________…
Shouldn’t I be doing something more practical with my time?
I don’t have the mental energy to be creative right now…
Where or how would I even start?
Here at MossyBrain, we not only believe that everyone is creative, but that you can actively grow your personal creativity whenever you want. That’s why we’ve compiled this list of 100 Creative Activities Requiring No Skill That You Can Do Today.
And we want to you to have this list right now FOR FREE.
Complete the simple form below and we’ll send you this awesome list so you can GET STARTED NOW.

Leave us a comment and let us know which of these 100 Creative Activities are your favorites!

Ben Beresh is a creative entrepreneur and owner of MossyBrain. Originally from Niagara Falls, ON, he now happily calls Broken Arrow OK home, along with his wife Jessica, four amazing kids and dog Charlie. Ben likes to have a good time, all the time (Enneagram 7), playing guitar, the Wim Hof Method, forest bathing, as well as enjoying all types of sandwiches.
Connect with him on Facebook or ben@mossybrain.com.
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